Hey, have you heard of Pequi Liqueur? It's the most "Goiás-style" drink there is, man! Made with the typical Goiás fruit, the pequi, this liqueur has a distinctive flavor and a scent that whets your appetite.


You know that Goiás way of being? That's what you feel when you try Pequi Liqueur. It's a source of pride in the culture and a perfect accompaniment to typical Goiás food. We drink it after lunch or dinner, to have a good chat with friends or family.


And if you want to give a different gift that represents the land of Goiás, Pequi Liqueur is a really cool option. Try it and experience the authentic flavor of the cerrado!


Alcohol Content: 20%

Licor de Pequi Dom Tápparo

$8.99 USD
Licor de Pequi Dom Tápparo $8.99 USD
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Hey, have you heard of Pequi Liqueur? It's the most "Goiás-style" drink there is, man! Made with the typical Goiás fruit, the pequi, this liqueur has a distinctive flavor and a scent that whets your appetite.


You know that Goiás way of being? That's what you feel when you try Pequi Liqueur. It's a source of pride in the culture and a perfect accompaniment to typical Goiás food. We drink it after lunch or dinner, to have a good chat with friends or family.


And if you want to give a different gift that represents the land of Goiás, Pequi Liqueur is a really cool option. Try it and experience the authentic flavor of the cerrado!


Alcohol Content: 20%

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$6.42 USD